The major strategy of Satan is to distort the character of God and the truth of who we are. He can't change God and he can't do anything to change our identity and position in Christ. If, however, he can get us to believe a lie, we will live as though our identity in Christ isn't true.
If you've ever felt like you just can't get in control of your money, you're not alone. You'd be surprised how many people you know are struggling just like you. Through the application of Biblical principles, it empowers you to manage money better, eliminate debt and build wealth. FPU is a once-a-week class that helps you create behaviors to master your finances. Join Financial Peace University class at Living Faith Alliance Church starting on Sunday, January 21, 2024, and learn how you can pay off debt, save more money, and build wealth. Course cost is $79.99. Visit to sign up!
Make sure to look at the lost and found table in the lobby this week to see if anything you own is there. Items will be donated or discarded if not picked up.
Who are the leaders that are among us? God is raising up new leaders and realigning and repositioning existing leaders. Do you see some men among you that God's hand is on as a shepherd?
If so would you consider putting their name forward? Governing Elders are selected by the nominating committee based on three criteria and then voted on by the congregation. Please prayerfully consider the qualifications before making the recommendation.
1. They are men who meet qualifications spoken of in Titus 1:5-9 and1 Tim. 3:1-7.
2. They must be members of LFA and are actively engaged with effective shepherding within the church.
3. They have integrity in their life because they lead effectively in their lives outside of the church.
Nominating them does not make them an Elder but it starts the process for them to be considered, asked, and equipped. If you would like to nominate someone to be trained please email Directly after the annual meeting, our Youth Ministry Team will host a game night for the whole church! There will be games, food, and awesome people! Make sure you come to the meeting, and then stay for a great time with our church family!
Starts This Sunday!
On January 7th at 1:30, in the classrooms next to the cafe, our winter session for GriefShare will begin. If you or someone you know is suffering from grief due to the loss of a loved one, please don't try to walk the journey alone.
GriefShare is a safe place to discuss those feelings that are difficult to understand, such as the "why" questions, or the "I should have done more to help". There is even one session focused on Heaven. The doors are open to everyone, so if you even said, "Yes, that's how I feel,"come journey with us. Mourning to Joy.