
Pastors, Elders & Staff

Greg Hill

Lead Pastor

One thing I care about is My life for His Glory.
A moment I treasure is my knee in the sand at sunset beach when she said yes.
What amazes me about God is that Christ Jesus has made me his own.I find enjoyable exploring a new trail with my family.
A quote or idea I value is :
“All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost. (J.R.R. Tolkien)
My main responsibilities involve: Lead Minister and  Preaching and Teaching Ministry.

George Davis

Executive Pastor

I care about helping people discover the adventure they could have in being a disciple of Christ.
A moment I treasure is when Father shows up.
What amazes me about God is the perfect balance of grace and truth.
I find enjoyable serving alongside the love of my life.
A quote or idea I value is “No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” (Charles Dickens)
My main responsibilities involve meeting people where they are and helping our organization grow in our ability to serve others.

Diego Cuartas

Healing & Restoration Pastor

One thing I care about is helping outsiders and foreigners feel welcome.
A moment I treasure is the day Tabatha became our daughter.
What amazes me about God is his ability to choose freely while acting righteously at the same time.
I find enjoyable to watch cities lit up at night while flying on a Cessna on a smooth,  quiet evening.
A quote or idea I value is "Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work." (Oswald Chambers)
My main responsibilities involve identifying, fostering, and mobilizing others to experience God and join Him on His mission in the world.

Charissa Ricketts

Office Manager 

One thing I care about is people feeling like they belong.
A moment I treasure is any time I know I'm in the place God wants me at that time!
What amazes me about God is that He knows the deepest, darkest places in my heart and still loves me. I want to be more like Him!
I find enjoyable reading pretty much anything I can get my hands on.
A quote or idea I value is "Some people get addicted to chain-smoking their problems. They spend all day going from sorrow to sorrow. It doesn't have to be that way. You can live each day going from joy to joy—like a sunflower that turns to face the sun as it moves across the sky. It's not about having a problem-free life, but about focusing on the light. Sunflowers still have shadows, but they are always behind them." (James Clear)
My main responsibilities involve bookkeeping and anything office related.

mick sanderson

Facility Services

One thing I care about is to live life before the face of God.
A moment I treasure is that first, quiet, cup of tea in the morning.
What amazes me about God is looking over these many years of my life; His patience and long suffering towards me.
I find enjoyable shooting a roll of black and white film, then developing it.
The anticipation, the suspense. How did it turn out?
A quote or idea I value is “I may not have gone where I intended to go,
But I think I have ended up where I needed to be.” (Douglas Adams)
My main responsibilities involve…What! I have responsibilities?

Sarah Bates

Early Childhood Ministry

“Hey, hey- You are loved! :)”- - Sarah

dan & Holly matro

Youth Ministry

One thing I care about is people falling deeply in love with Jesus and experiencing a true relationship with Him.
A moment I treasure is when I was 12, for the first time in my life, God showed me His love in a way I hadn’t known was possible before. I also treasure my wedding day and the days each of my children were born.
What amazes me about God is His unmerited grace toward us, and the depth of His love toward people that He created, but who continually turn away from Him.
What I find enjoyable is going to the beach, playing guitar, stargazing, outdoor activities like hiking and kayaking, and spending time with my family.
A quote or idea I value is “The miracle of the Holy Spirit’s invasion of our lives is that He is at work within us to change us and to lead us and guide us, but there is still an ‘us’” - Dr. Henry Cloud (Matt. 28:19-20)
My main responsibilities involve the discipleship of students (6-12th grade) through teaching, mentoring, and mobilizing them in relation to their gifts and their purpose for which God has created them. I also am responsible for equipping, training, and empowering youth leaders to lead our students well in those same areas, and for supporting, equipping, and resourcing parents to be the primary shepherds of their children’s faith.

One thing I care about is showing the love of Christ to the next generation.
A moment I treasure is spending time with my family
What amazes me about God is His creativity 
I find enjoyable making things and telling stories
A quote or idea I value is "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us". (Gandalf)
My main responsibilities involve discipling, teaching and mentoring the students of our church and equipping families and leaders to do the same.

Brian Wagner

Governing Elder Vice Chairman

“I'll hold the door for you"

Ed Torres

Governing Elder Member

“Let's talk, I want to hear your perspective”

Mike Decicco

Governing Elder Member

“We want to lead with a heart for Jesus"

Michael Zimmerman

Governing Elder Member

“We love families"