Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

It is true that "missions exists because worship doesn't" ---John Piper. So Jesus invites us to join him on his mission to establish worship of him where peoples have not been reconciled yet with the Father through him. His strategy is to use us beginning with the friends we know and the friends we yet don't know. These friends live locally, regionally, and globally and they matter to God.  Because they matter to God, they also matter to us!

At Living Faith Alliance we are committed to prioritize...

  • Opportunities to invite our family and friends to come under the hearing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Financial support to the Alliance movement we are part of to seek global impact.
  • Key local, regional, and global partnerships that allow us to proclaim and demonstrate the mercy, love, and justice of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Inspiring, encouraging, and helping equip individuals in our local church who are being called to a missional vocation.
local. regional. Global
To learn about the different opportunities available to serve with and through our denomination, the Christian & Missionary Alliance, click here to visit the website.

Join the mission

Our Global Mission Team is always interested in interacting with anyone who may have questions about our ministry and the opportunities available. Our team is always welcoming new interested members.

Let's work together.

We'd love to hear from you or answer any questions you may have. Fill out the form below to get started.