
Dan Matro's Den

At Living Faith our youth (6th-12th grades) experience safe, age-appropriate environments where they learn about Jesus in a creative and relevant way.

Our Youth Ministry exists to equip and empower households to be the primary shepherds of their children's faith, and to develop a generation that genuinely pursues a relationship with Jesus in their own lives. Students will form deep relationships with other Christ followers. Our students will also gain a uniform understanding of the absolute truth of the Bible – and with Christ centered identities, they will pursue the mission and character of Jesus as He changes the world for the Kingdom of God.

What will my first visit look like?

Here's what to expect when visiting youth ministry for the first time: first, when you come in there is a check in station where we will meet your kids, check them into our system, and then get them connected with some of our students and volunteers.  Upon checking in for the first time, we will ask for the following personal information (NOTE: We value your privacy and will not share this information with anyone): parent/guardian name(s), child's name, child's birthdate, home address, phone number, and any special instructions (allergies, special needs) for your children.

our  gatherings

1st Sunday of each Month

On the first Sunday of the month we have our 5:8 event from 5-8pm.

Other Sundays

Middle School and High School groups meet on Sundays from 6-8pm. 

Small Groups

Get Connected. Go Deeper.

Middle School students all meet together for Catalyst Groups every second and fourth Friday from 6 -8pm.  High School Catalyst groups are split up between girls and guys and meets every second and fourth Friday from 7:30-9:30pm.

youth group

Both Middle School and High School groups meet on Sundays, 6-8pm.  On the first Sunday of the month we have our 5:8 event from 5-8pm.  This is an extended time with food and games that puts an emphasis on building community and offering a safe space for friends and guests to experience truth in a very approachable manner, generally through testimonies.  We do this to offer an opportunity for students to bring their friends, especially those who have not attended church before, into a more relaxed environment where they can meet everyone without the same depth and intensity that is generally found in our usual Sunday Night Youth Group.

High School consists of 9-12th grade. Middle school consists of 6-8th grade .

Middle School is unique in that we allow 6th graders to join starting in the summer ministry program rather than at the beginning of the school year. This really serves students in making sure this important spiritual transition doesn't get lost in all the transitions they have to make in moving from Elementary to Middle School.

catalyst groups

We believe in the importance of teens growing in leadership while simultaneously digging deeper into who God is through His word. One of the ways that we do this is through Catalyst groups.  Middle School students all meet together for Catalyst Groups every second and fourth Friday from 6 -8pm.  High School Catalyst groups are split up between girls and guys and meets every second and fourth Friday from 7:30-9:30pm.  Our Catalyst Groups generally meet at the houses of some of the participants, but the location may vary.  For current locations please contact us here. Catalyst Groups do not meet during the summer months.

lake champion

Every year both our Middle & High School students participate in a district youth retreat called Lake Champion. This event has been life changing for many people in our church family throughout the years as well. We have seen students’ lives change in significant and dramatic ways in every area of life. For details about Lake Champion or the forms needed to attend please click here.

summer ministry

Rather than 'take the summer' off, we intentionally ratchet up our engagement during the summer time. We do this by shifting our Sunday night focus onto outreach, and providing a camp for our surrounding communities. Students from both Middle & High School spend several weeks together learning to live like Jesus and ministering to their communities. Find out more on our Summer Ministry page.

youth leaders

We have a great team of dedicated youth leaders who serve students and their families in a variety of ways. If you are interested in serving in Youth Ministry, please contact us.


Parents, we believe you are the primary shepherds of your kids’ faith.  Be sure to check out the Milestones below. It's never too late to begin to build these into your family life.
To learn about milestones click here.
She is cool and fun and stuff

Dan Matro

He is not quite as cool

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