All of Jesus for All of Life
We believe there are four strategic spaces the Spirit of God wants to work in and fill in every way. Jesus is Supreme and wants to fill our lives, our church family, our households, and our communities. Our present equipping tracks are designed to help us grow respectively. Please refer to the list below or use the links provided to inquire or register for a specific course. To register or ask questions please use the links below.
Basic Discipleship
Formed By His Word (Tuesday, Virtual 6:30am)
We meet weekly to read a portion of the Bible, slowly taking time to listen to what the Spirit is revealing to us. Typically the passage is related to the upcoming sermon and is a great way to cultivate expectations for Sunday worship.
Dates & Times: Tuesdays 6:30 am to 7:30 am.
Location: Google Meets (Email Greg for link)
Contact: Greg Hill
Women's Bible Study (Tuesday 10:00am)
This is an ongoing Bible study for women led by Linda Casmer. The purpose of this class is to encourage, to build community, and to grow in the Word of God.
Meets Tuesdays 10:00 am @ Living Faith Alliance.
For the opening brunch, on September 17th, please sign up to bring a brunch item. We will be studying the book of Matthew. The purpose of this class is to encourage, to build community, and to grow in the Word of God.
Point person: Linda Casmer (609) 319-2529 or
Alpha: Basics Of Christian Beliefs (Tuesday 6:00-8:00pm)
Alpha is a place to start some really important conversations. You have dinner every week, make new friends, and explore truth about God and Christianity.
Location: Larry's II Restaurant - Dinner will be provided.
Contact: Matthew Hartman
Begins Tuesday, September 24th.
Women's Bible Study (Tuesday 6:30pm)
A study on righteousness and how to see real fruit in your life.
When: Tuesday nights at 6:30
What Do I Need?: “The Beatitudes-
Developing Spiritual Character” by
John Stott.
Where: Week 1 at
2080 Frederick Ct. Vineland.
Weeks 2-8 at
1731 Tori Ln. Vineland
Start Date: September 17th
Duration: 8 Weeks.
Contact: Leslie Baruffi,
Men's Bible Study (Monday 6:30pm)
This is a Bible study for men. This group engages in a sequential verse by verse study moving from book to book in the Bible. These are on-going studies, so feel free to join at any time. Call Rich Irion for more information and to start participating.
Start Date: Monday 6:30-7:45 pm
Location: Bruce Sotille's home
Contact: Rich Irion (609) 204-9600
Book of Genesis (Tuesday 6:30pm)
This is an ongoing Bible study for men.
Dates & Times: Tuesdays 6:30 pm - The study will begin September 10th.
Location: 2080 Frederick Court, Vineland
Contact: Larry Baruffi (856) 291-1679
Hayman Bible Study (Monday 7:00pm)
This is an ongoing Bible study.
Dates & Times: Monday nights from 7-8.
Location: In-person & Zoom (899-8479-1961: Password = 856055)
Contact: Rich Irion (609) 204-9600
Bible Study For Women (Selected Mondays 7:24pm-8:45pm)
BREATHE - Making Room for Sabbath, By Priscilla Shirer
One of the greatest challenges among women in our culture is taking time to stop and cease from all the activities and busyness and just breathe. We are in bondage to busyness. We constantly strive to complete the limitless to-do lists that hinder us from experiencing all that God has for us. We miss the moments because we rush ahead to the next thing. By neglecting time for tranquility, serenity, and repose, we limit our Christlikeness and miss out on some of God's greatest gifts. It is time for us to breathe and build margin into our lives for God. In the Old Testament, God instituted principles and laws that would transform the Israelites' mindset. He didn't just want them legally free; He wanted them to be able to walk in freedom and enjoy it. So God gave them many gifts, including boundaries in which to enjoy those gifts. Sabbath was intended as a gift, and it is still a gift to us today. If you are weary, worn out, and exhausted the concept of Sabbath will change your life
Teacher: Mona Mauro
Dates: Oct 7th - Dec 16th
7:24-8:45 pm
(10/7, 10/21, 11/4, 11/18, 12/2, and 12/16)
Introductory Night - Monday, Oct 7, 2024 (bring a journal, study journal and Bible)
Location: Home of Mona Mauro - 1805 Maple St, Newfield, NJ 08344
Contact: Mona at 856-285-6975 or
Healing & Restoration
GriefShare (Sunday 1:00pm, Begins August 18th)
If one has experienced a loss of a loved one, the sessions are designed to better equip one for the journey of mourning to joy. Being surrounded by others that have experienced loss allows freedom to openly express feelings that otherwise are normally repressed. The Bible clearly tells us in Matthew_5:4 “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. These classes are for any person that has lost a loved one in their life, because grief has no bounds in time. There is an age limitation for these sessions, starting with mature teenagers to adults. Group meets at Living Faith Alliance Church.
Life's Healing Choices (Wednesday 7:00pm, Class will begin September 11th.)
Life's Healing Choices are for those looking to become free of their hurts, hangups and habits. These can include but aren't limited to, addictions, relational issues, codependency, and succumbing to the same sins. These 8 study sessions, led by Rick Warren via YouTube, takes you step-by-step through the recovery and self-discovery process. Each session will conclude with a discussion group. Includes questions, memory verses, practical application, and more..
Sessions topics:
Admitting Need - The Reality Choice
Getting Help - The Hope Choice
Letting Go - The Commitment Choice
Coming Clean - The Housecleaning Choice
Making Changes - The Transformation Choice
Repairing Relationships - The Relationship Choice
Maintaining Momentum - The Growth Choice
Recycling Pain - The Sharing Choice.
Class will meet at Living Faith Alliance Church.
Brian Simione 609-501-2903 or and
Allison King 856-305-1475 or
Family Shepherds (Thursday 5:30am)
What are men FOR? We are convinced that only the gospel of Jesus Christ can free men to understand and live out their true nature. Our Thursday morning book study is for any and all men. We pick a wide variety of books all focused on helping men get clarity on God's design, purpose and calling on their life as men. We do a chapter a week and always have a meaningful conversation. Please text Jeff Caldwell or Peter Cardillo for more information.
Dates & Times: Thursdays 5:30 am to 7:00 am, starting February 8
Where: Living Faith Alliance Church, Cafe. For questions contact Jeff Caldwell 856.213.1177
For Marriage Resources click the link below on this page.