adult ministry
Currently we have four specific tracks designed to help you grow spiritually. Each track will point you to a specific course you can take for that specific area of growth. We are in the process of defining some of the specific courses so be sure to check again for ongoing updates.

Basic Discipleship
The basics of discipleship begin with hearing the voice of Jesus and choosing to follow him (John 10:27). The rest of the journey follows that same pattern.

Healing & Restoration
Being disciples of Jesus does not mean walking a linear path. Often, we need to detour and pull into the spiritual "ER" to seek healing in areas where we tend to get stuck. If we don't pursue emotional healing we may not grow spiritually.

not your address and not even your biology is your household, this is the people you do life with, as the strategic center to fulfill the cultural mandate and influence the next generation he wants to fill our households for long-term blessing.

Leadership Development
Jesus told his disciples "“Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19). As Jesus rescues and redeems us he also invites us to join him on his mission in the world to be influencers.