Hey families! Here’s a look at what we’re covering with your kids this month so you can continue growing at home during the week.
Memory Verse - Psalm 33:11
Memory Verse Video - Psalm 33:11
Week 1 - Making Peace is Part of God's Game Plan
This week, kids see how Abigail made peace with David.
Big Idea: Making peace is part of God's game plan
Bible: 1 Samuel 25:2-35; Psalm 33:12-22
Week 2 - Following God is the best game plan.
This week, kids see how David celebrated when the ark of God was brought into Jerusalem.
Big Idea: Following God is the best game plan
Bible: 2 Samuel 6:12-22; Psalm 34:1-8
Week 3 - Showing kindness is in God's game plan.
This week, kids see how David showed kindness to Saul's descendant, Mephibosheth.
Big Idea: Showing kindness is in God's game plan
Bible: 2 Samuel 9:1-13; Psalm 34:9-14
Week 4 - Forgiveness is always God's game plan.
This week, kids see how Nathan confronted David to realize his wrongdoing.
Big Idea: Forgiveness is always God's game plan
Bible: 2 Samuel 11:26-12:13; Psalm 34:15-22